In terms of driving, a car like this will make a trip to the local 7-11 a total blast. It handled well on the curves, the acceleration was intense and I had an over all sense of safety even at the higher speeds. I was so impressed with the driving that it distracted me from everything else. And by everything else, I refer to the lack of sexy edge that would make it competitive with the BMW 5 series which it’s actually intended to do –I know many might disagree, but where is the fun in everyone agreeing? -Continued after the jump
We talked to the Cadillac’s Communication Manager, David Caldwell who set some things straight and let us in on some interesting info. Among other efforts to appeal to the BMW and Mercedes drivers of
For driving quality, it may do just that. In terms of design, Cadillac needs to step up to the plate. I questioned the shiny lining all over the interior of the car. Couldn’t they have done a more matte finish like in many of the European cars I’ve seen? Mr.Caldwell assured me that people actually buy the car for small details like this. “People want to know they are in a Cadillac and the “bling-bling” of the CTS is what people love,” he said. But, the cheesy blingyness of the Cadillac is probably why sales have skipped an entire generation of people in their 30’s and 40’s. Maybe we’d see more Cadillacs around if they toned back on the blings a bit.
Mr.Caldwell also informed us that there’s discussion for Cadillac to design a version of the CTS that’s comparable in size with the BMW 3 series. Hopefully, they’ll work on a sleeker design in the future. It may provide a bridge for the generation gap Cadillac is experiencing and maybe even allow it steal away some BMW fans.
Overall, the CTS provided me with a respectable and fun ride and a blinding shine from all the chrome.
Posted by Daniella
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