Old Man On A Mobility Scooter Out Runs Cops

    Ever been stuck in what seems to be the worst traffic in the world and you swear turtles and little old men on mobility scooters are moving faster than you? A similar situation occurred when police asked a stubborn old man to pull over his scooter because he was causing traffic by traveling down the fast lane of a dual carriageway. He defiantly cranked his battery-powered mobility scooter up to its top speed - 8mph - and somehow managed to escape their attention. Apparently, when the police attempted to pull him over he just approached them with “a lot of profanities”.

    Then the determined OAP veered onto the Cannon Park roundabout. “They (police) asked us, ‘scuse me - have you seen a bloke on an electric scooter?’,” added Ian, who was on a walk at the time.This little old guy managed to completely out-run the cops.
    When something like this happens, it’s good to know we have brave police officers patrolling the streets and putting "dangerous" people like this away. (Yeah Right!)

    Via: Gazettelive

    Posted by: Dani

    Source URL: https://sparesomeribs.blogspot.com/2007/07/old-man-on-mobility-scooter-out-runs.html
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